Q: What song do you play on repeat?
A: Currently – Florence + The Machine – “Dog Days Are Over.”
Q: What’s the best way to start the day?
A: Sleeping in!
Q: What are you most looking forward to this year?
A: Looking forward to traveling again with my family and reconnecting with friends.
Q: What is the most impactful project you’ve worked on and why.
A: The most impactful project I’ve worked on would have to be telling the story of how my Asian-American women have been impacted and effected by the increased violence towards our communities. WHY: It’s allowing me to process and give voice to my own experiences and bring to light the difficult conversations we have to have as Americans to make the future better.
Q: What book impacted you the most?
A: One of them – When Things Fall Apart, by Pema Chödrön.
Q: What do you spend the most time thinking about?
A: My children and my family’s well being and how we can make changes to create a world in which they can be safe and valued and live to their full potential.
Q: One thing you can’t show up to a shoot without – Besides a camera 😉
A: An off-camera flash or strobe light. ALWAYS.